Come join us for an educational and fun action-packed week of classes. We are very happy to bring you some of the greatest classes in the area for your children to enjoy. This promises to be one fun and exciting week of Great Educational Experiences for your children.
You can, also, mix and match classes!
For more info, contact us at 562-841-6493 or
Who: All Children Ages 5-12 years
What: gee! Summer Camp
Where: Paint N Glaze, 3960 N. Studebaker Rd. #101, Long Beach
(near the corner of Carson & Studebaker)
When: Monday June 21st through Friday June 25th
Time: 9:00am - 12:00 noon
Cost: $199 for the entire week, see class descriptions for individual pricing
For your convenience you may pay by Amazon Payments or
checks may be made payable to Great Educational Experiences and sent to:
6444 E. Spring St. #279, Long Beach, CA 90815
MONDAY: Paint N Glaze, $30/child
Children will learn to design and paint ceramic pottery in the Paint N Glaze studio.
TUESDAY: Mad Science, $55/child:
“Energy, Gravity, and Balance Day:” Children will discover the fundamental forces that make the world go round and cause everything to do what everything does. This day is full of activities involving gravity, inertia, potential and kinetic energy and more!
WEDNESDAY: LEGO® Engineering with Play-Well TEKnologies, $40/child
Have your child become a Play-Well Engineer! Students will build cities, bridges, and motorized cars/planes and explore the many creative possibilities of engineering with the LEGO® system. With access to over 100,000 pieces of LEGO, your child will have the opportunity to build what they have only dreamed of with the support of an experienced Play-Well Engineering instructor to guide them.
THURSDAY: Cookamation, $45/child: Something smells delicious as Susan Derrick shows the children how to cook up a refreshing and healthy Caribbean Burger with Mango Salsa. All the ingredients are fresh and tasty. All the children get to wear their chefs hats and aprons and learn the valuable life skill of cooking.
FRIDAY: Art of the Masters with Brenda Benveniste, $40/child: Children will prepare to get creative as they study and paint in the style of Van Gogh and reproduce one of his masterpieces.
All Children are welcome to gee! Summer Camp.
To reserve your space, go to gee! Summer Camp or contact us at or (562) 841-6493.
Best Regards,
George and Cindy Castro